Live with no excuses and travel with no regrets.

~ Oscar Wilde


I’m Faye, an American-based traveler, blogger, and mom of two, and I work full-time. I love new experiences and discoveries through travel, family, and self-awareness. I usually bring my kids along for the adventure, which has landed us all over the US.

Traveling is a great way to create memories, discover new things, grow our perspectives, and bond with those we cherish. This blog is intended to give you tools, tips, and possibly a little push to get on your way to your next destination regardless of your budget.


I grew up in the Northwest, outside Seattle, WA, where nature was our playground. I chose a college in southern California and thought I’d never leave the warm beach life, a nice change from the rain.

Once my kids were born, life took a turn, and we headed back to the Pacific Northwest to be closer to family. After several years there, I got an itch for the beach life again, so I followed another dream and moved to Miami Beach, Florida, where we live today.

The kids and I still love to travel to places we haven’t been, and making that happen has been a journey for me. I hope what I’ve learned can help you with your travels.

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“Travel brings power and love back into your eyes.”

— Rumi Jalalud-Din

Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.
— Jules Renard