Mindful Travel Tips - Well-Being


Do you feel exhausted sometimes during vacation?

Hey there, I’m Faye, a mother of two who has been guilty of putting everyone’s needs before mine and burning out faster than a match thrown in water.

That’s until I started taking a little timeout to recharge, which changed everything, well not everything, but at least it changed me and traveling for the better.

In less time than it takes to get a coffee from a crowded Starbucks, you can be ready for your day and begin to have way more fun.

These ten ways to recharge are free and take less than fifteen minutes!

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Let’s start our travel care!

11 Practices to Recharge Your Mind, Body, and Soul.

  1. Watch the sunrise (or sunset)

  2. Visit the fitness center

  3. Go for a walk

  4. Sit at a cafe and people-watch

  5. Take a bath

  6. Write down ten things you’re grateful for

  7. Call a friend to laugh with

  8. Take six pictures of whatever catches your eye

  9. Read an uplifting article or blog

  10. Write down five funny moments from the trip

  11. BONUS: Guided Meditation

Watch the Sunrise

Waking up and watching the sunrise with all its magnificence is a peaceful way to begin your day.

Go outside and watch the sky light up. The sunlight will boost your serotonin levels (happy mood), and the rising sun rays will give you a burst of Vitamin D.

If going outdoors isn’t an option, any place you can watch will work.

Even standing at your hotel room window can catch the magic of a new day. Be present and enjoy the show. 

Go to the Fitness Center

Let off some steam! A trip to the Fitness Center is a great way to keep your healthy routine or get your body charged and the endorphins flowing. Put your headphones on and listen to your favorite song.

Pack your favorite workout clothes set. If you are looking for a great set on a budget, I recommend July’s Song, it comes with 5 pieces that include, pants, a sports bra, a shirt, a jacket, and shorts.

Pumping yourself up (literally) gets your happy juices flowing. 

For a little extra motivation, The Harvard Alumni Study suggests that people who exercise regularly can gain over 2 hours of life expectancy for each hour of exercise.

Gain back your life!

Go for a Walk

Depending on the location, exploring the area around your hotel can be inspiring if not relaxing.

Make sure you have on some good shoes.

For traveling, athletic comfort shoes can be worn with almost any outfit and keep your feet comfortable. Sketchers is known for comfort and a variety of styles.

Focus on the nature around you the trees, birds, horizon, or the natural landscape.

Studies show this reduces stress and anxiety and boosts your mood.

Take this time to breathe and lower your cortisol levels (stress response).

If going outside is not the best option, walk indoors and listen to your favorite playlist.

Give your immune system and mood a boost with every step you take.

Sit at a Cafe, and People Watch

Taking your mind off your world and observing others can be a way to reset.

People watching can satisfy the innate curiosity of the diversity of others.

Put on some sunglasses (my favorites are under $20) this helps to keep your watching go unnoticed.

This is not a judge-fest but rather the discovery of how others experience life.

It can be inspiring, humorous, or spark gratitude in your heart.

Appreciate the uniqueness of others. You’ll uplift yourself in the process.

Take a Bath 

There’s something about a warm bath with the door locked and listening to a relaxing playlist with nobody in sight.

Turn the bath into a healing spa by adding therapeutic mineral bath salts, Village Natural Therapy offers 2oz travel packs, perfect to throw in your purse or makeup bag.

Allow a few moments for yourself, preferably with no distractions, and soak in the benefits.

The benefits of a bath go beyond solitude and relaxation. Here’s a fun fact found on The Joint Chiropractic blog:

According to a Loughborough University study, a warm bath burnt the same calories as a half-hour walk and increased metabolism by upping heart rate by 40-50 percent. The hot water also releases heat shock proteins that regulate blood sugar levels and reduce sugar cravings.
— The Joint Chiropratic Blog

Now do you think you deserve all the benefits of a hot bath?

Write Down 10 Things You're Grateful For.

Bring your travel journal, and if you need one I recommend 5 Minutes a Day.

The journal records up to twenty trips with prompts and blank pages for notes, ticket stubs, or photos.

Practicing gratitude is known to have many benefits on the mind, body, and soul, including bringing happiness, increasing mental strength, preventing overeating, and improving psychological health.

Look around and write down what you’re grateful for.

Whenever I do this practice, I instantly feel better and forget about whatever was stressing me out.

Call a Friend to Laugh

Laugh, it’s good for you!

Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being.

Do you have a person who can make you laugh or laugh at you to lighten your mood?

Make a call and connect for a few minutes. If they’re unavailable, download Tina Fey’s hilarious book Bossypants, watch something funny on social media, or try a funny website like The Oatmeal or The Chive.

Take 13 pictures of things that intrigue you.

No rules. Whatever draws your eye, take a picture.

Why thirteen?

Thirteen in numerology is often associated with the principle of empowerment.

It represents the ability to manifest your desires and make positive changes in your life.

Bring a camera like the Instax Mini Instant Camera the pictures fit right into the travel journal. Take a walk around and look for interesting things, beautiful things, or inspiring things.

For photo inspirations, check out 500px and Unsplash. Enjoy what’s around you and snap, click, tap! Have fun.

Read Uplifting Material

Get inspired. Read an article, blog, quote, verse, or book that softens you.

For a list of motivational books my post 9 Motivational Books for Women to Read on Vacation, will give you ideas.

Check out my inspirational quotes blog posts, Journey of Inspiration, and Inspirational Quotes to Ignite.

Coffee Self-Talk 5 Minutes a Day to Start Living Your Magical Life, written by Kirsten Helmstetter, is an encouraging morning read.

Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed, the bathroom porcelain seat, maybe, and escape into inspiring imaginings. 

Write Down Funny Things That Happened on Your Trip

Okay, some events like forgetting your laptop on the plane won’t be funny until later; thankfully, I recovered it.

The point is to make light of unexpected events and happenings.

Travel Journaling is the most private way to express yourself, record your trip, let off steam, and laugh at yourself.

Write your stories down to laugh at now and a year from now. Find the humor in your travel mishaps and wacky observations.

This puts things into a different perspective and who knows maybe you’ll be able to write a book one day!

For inspiration, visit Reddit’s forum on funny travel stories.

Bonus! Guided Meditation for Relaxation

Take a few minutes and let someone guide you into relaxation and rejuvenation.

Meditation is a simple, fast way to reduce stress and lower blood pressure.

For guided meditations, affirmations, and relaxing sleep music the portable calm kit by TESH CARE is designed to travel with. It also comes with a sleep mask.

Apps like the Free Mindfulness Project have downloads on breathing and meditation.

Another way is by doing a quick search on YouTube for guided meditations.

I hope you enjoy the eleven travel-care practices to do on your next trip in under fifteen minutes.

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