The Power of A Positive Mind on Travel Dreams


A positive mind.

Hi travelers, I’m Faye, welcome to my blog, Travel Wallet.

Today’s blog post is essential if we are going to make our travel dreams a reality. 

The power behind positive thinking assists in making the changes we seek for travel and our lives. 

It’s also been proven to have health benefits such as lowering stress and anxiety, giving a more optimistic outlook on life, and self-empowerment. 

Positive thinking requires us to break past our conditioned thinking, or automatic programmed thoughts, and choose to think optimistically. I’ll address this more in a minute. 

Be sure to read to the end, there’s a list of fun stuff under $20 that can assist you in getting started on your positive path to creating your dreams. I believe in you.

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    Travel Mishaps and Planning - How we think about them affects our vacation.

    Travel Planning can bring up negative emotions when considering expenses, time off, budget, pet care, or planning destination activities. It can cause us stress if we don’t have a positive outlook.

    It reminds me of the classic holiday movie, “Home Alone,” when they are all scrambling around the house attempting not to miss their flight. 

    It was a nerve-racking scene to watch, and I’ve been there. Thankfully, I didn’t forget a kid, just my passport. 

    There may be additional unforeseen challenges like transportation delays, bad weather, lost luggage, and advertising gimmicks; cursing would seem more called for than happy thoughts. 

    It’s natural to think negatively in these instances. 

    According to psychological research, our brains have been hardwired to focus on the negative for survival throughout evolution. 

    So why am I writing a blog post about being positive if negativity has ensured our survival? 

    To make our travel dreams a reality, we must leave negative survival mode and choose creative mode, use our imaginations, where we can shape our future, create positive changes, and bring a positive attitude with us. 

    Positive thinking is necessary to bypass the negative autoplay of our default survival thinking, enabling us to go into our creative minds.

    It’s here the magic happens. Doors open, new possibilities arrive, and steps toward our dreams become clear. 

    Action and Law of Attraction

    When we want to create something new in our lives, a new relationship, new job, new home, more money, and more traveling, it takes our attention and action to make the change. 

    Taking action can only get us so far. It’s also true for imagining a new reality using the Law of Attraction, it has a function yet isn’t the only piece to making dreams come true. 

    One without the other can’t do the job. Both are needed when manifesting a desired outcome. 

    We often start with a burst of inspiration and then immediately take action, which can lead to a great start, and that’s all. 

    Or we get excited about being inspired and talk about in circles to get our momentum yet don’t go for it.

    Have you ever gotten an amazing idea, say a simple invention, then a year later you see it online?

    Someone got the same idea and ran with it. The point is, that it takes more than the initial spark or leap to keep the fire in us going to nurture the dream into reality. 

    When we do start, we often get stopped along the way by self-sabotaging our progress, making the obstacles seemingly impossible to conquer.

    Dreams require the right mindset, a resilient positive one.

    Without it, we eventually fall to our habitual patterns and beliefs leaving us where we started, maybe even a little more discouraged from the so-called failure. 

    Positive thinking is crucial in manifesting our travel dreams to move past the negative voice in our heads. 

    The key is to start within our thoughts.

    How to Get Started Positive Thinking and Fulfilling Your Dreams

    One way is to create a positive feeling of the dream and the desired result by thinking about it, then imagining it, feeling it, enjoying the thought, and lastly, taking action in the good emotional state you’ve just created.

    It can be an initial baby step, or the action step you’ve been putting off out of fear, doubt, or worry.

    What is important is taking action when you are in a positive mindset and have the inspiration to back it.

    When you begin with the dream or goal and focus on it being fulfilled; how to create it will reveal itself one piece at a time, making the actions toward the goal more aligned with the desired outcome. 

    How I struggled

    For most of my life, survival mode would take over me; known as a complainer, worry wort, and negative; I felt stuck in a mind swamp of crap. 

    I read endless self-help books, went to seminars, practiced meditation, went to church, and saw therapists and gurus. 

    Somewhere inside me, I knew I could change the areas of my life that were holding me back from what I desired.

    Still, the voice of negativity always won inside me whenever I was in an uncomfortable, unknown, fearful, or unwanted situation (survival tactics). 

    Negative beliefs affected how I saw myself. I would pick jobs I had no interest in just to make a dime and be a bit miserable making do with the job and the money.

    I’d choose a guy with obvious red flags and no desire to change, and without consciously knowing it, I’d sabotage any progress I’d make toward my dreams, just to start all over again from nothing.

    Negativity may have kept us surviving yet, it is a silent killer of dreams if we don’t take control over our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves.

    How Positive Thinking Helped Me

    Positive thinking helped me become aware of what I was feeling and why. Before reacting to situations, I began stopping and asking myself what was bothering me. 

    Negative emotions are attached to beliefs or fears about something, usually developed in childhood, our formative years.

    Once I knew the story (past) behind my reaction, I’d apply a new positive thought to calm myself down.

    In a good place, I’d use self-discovery questions to “get to the bottom of it”.

    It would get scary to relive where the fear and beliefs began, yet liberating once I realized that belief no longer applied or was no longer needed or thinking like a four-year-old didn’t serve me as an adult.

    I moved into a more positive state of mind, changing negative beliefs about myself into positive ones. It does take time and patience with yourself, and know that you are worth it.

    Positive Visualization

    There are ways to discover your negative beliefs about yourself and reprogram them into a desired one more quickly. 

    Positive reprogramming is one way. Hypnotherapists and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) use it to reprogram their patient’s beliefs lodged in their subconscious mind. 

    Hypnotherapy helped me face negative beliefs and replace them with positive suggestions. Below are a few examples. 

    Hypnotic Suggestions:

    • You are confident and capable in all that you do.

    • Your self-esteem is growing stronger and stronger every day.

    • You are capable of achieving all of your goals. 

    • You are deserving of love, happiness, and success. 

    • Everything is working in your favor.

    • You are safe and worthy. 

    The version of myself I see through imagination and visualization makes my dreams more and more real each time. This is where patience is key. It can take time, but it’s worth it!

    My actions started aligning with this new version of myself, and change began to happen because I changed who I saw myself as. I am a new updated version of myself. This has helped me with my fulfilling my travel dreams. 

    I enjoy visualizing where I desire to go and adding positive thoughts while imagining myself there. I see the days going great with smiles on our faces, beauty around us, new experiences to marvel at, playfulness to laugh at, and people to meet with open arms. 

    I also use affirmations to remind myself of who I say I am, that better version of myself that is continuously growing and dreaming. 

    Past beliefs and how they affect us now.

    If all my life I heard how we don’t have enough money, then saw my neighbors have plenty of everything, I can believe there’s something wrong with me. I must not deserve it. 

    Those beliefs were formed in childhood when I didn’t have the mental capacity to understand. 

    That doesn’t make them the truth about my life now or in the future. That’s up to me to decide and create. 

    I can replace those past beliefs with new thoughts of I am enough and deserving. 

    • I deserve to be wealthy. 

    • I deserve to travel. 

    • There is plenty to go around.  

    How to change your thoughts to positive ones.

    When I began to understand the power of the mind and the difference between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, I made positive changes for good. 

    How do we use positive thinking to make our desires a reality? 

    When a negative thought comes to mind, immediately replace it with a positive thought that will bring you a better feeling. 

    For example, I see a couple cuddling on a park bench, looking lovingly into each other’s eyes. I think, ‘I can’t find someone like that,’ I can immediately replace the thought with a positive one like, ‘I deserve a loving relationship like that.’ 

    It becomes even more powerful when I begin imagining myself in that experience with a partner of my dreams.  

    Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones will reprogram your mind and open you up to new possibilities. 

    Travel Affirmations

    Travel Planning with Positive Thoughts

    You can create affirmations. The most powerful way to speak to yourself is with “I AM.” Avoid words like try, want, going to, maybe, will, etc.

    Use power words like declare, deserve, have, claim, draw to me, etc.

    The key to an affirmation is the feeling it brings you. Speak to yourself in a way you feel good, you feel inspired, you feel worthy, and uplifted.

    For the best results, focus on one area of change at a time, for example, traveling the world.

    As this area in your life becomes more aligned with your desire through a positive mindset, visualization, and positive suggestions, you’ll see the positive changes will affect other areas as well, for example, opportunities to work abroad or a promotion at work with a raise and more vacation time.

    You got this!

    I believe you can make your travel dreams come true. To help you get started here’s a list of positive thoughts and affirmations for vacation planning and traveling. 

    Travel Affirmations and Thoughts

    • Everything is working out in my best interest.

    • I deserve a vacation.

    • I am traveling to (place) with ease and in abundance.

    • I have the money and time to travel as often as I choose.

    • I am abundantly traveling to (place).

    • I am worthy of traveling often.

    • I am safe and filled with inspiration to travel to a new destination.

    • I have everything planned and paid for, and I travel with ease.

    • Traveling in abundance is my birthright, and I claim it now.

    • I claim the money and time to travel to (place).

    • I deserve to express my wanderlust and travel abroad in abundance. 

    • I create my dream travel plans, knowing they are manifesting now. 

    • I draw to myself everything I need to take a trip now.  

    Identify the old habits you desire to change and make new ones. Take control of your thoughts and future. Believing in yourself is key to positive change.

    Remember it’s how you respond to adversity and when you fall get back up. Look for good in a situation and remember the power of gratitude!

    Follow your wanderlust and dream big! You have the power to make it happen. 

    Fun positive resources to include on your journey: under $20

    1. STAY POSITIVE: LARGE PRINT WORD SEARCH - includes affirmations, coloring, and positive word searches. It’s a great mind exercise to do alone or with another.

    2. WHY WE TRAVEL: 100 REASONS TO SEE THE WORLD - A book to inspire, full of personal stories, anecdotes, and reasons to get up and see the world.

    3. THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING - an international bestseller, this book is written to help the reader achieve a happy, satisfying, and worthwhile life with a focus on believing in yourself and the power of faith.

    4. GROWTH MINDSET SIGN - Inspirational Decorative Wall Plaque - Positive Thinking

    5. INSPIRATIONAL 9-PIECE WALL ART - 9 pieces of positive suggestion wall art in black and white for office, bedroom, or hallway.

    6. 100 MINDFUL PROMPT CARDS - Self-care, stress relief, reduced anxiety & increased relaxation, positive mindfulness.

    7. THOUGHTFUL POP OPEN CARDS - 90 Pop open cards with a different positive message inside. Pack of 3 includes, Yay You!, Celebrating You!, You’re Awesome!

    8. HEALING CRYSTAL BRACELET - different stones to heal, cleanse and encourage.

    9. POSITIVE CROCHET TRIO - Positive Pickle, Fine-Apple (pineapple), Emotional Support Cucumber, little crocheted characters to remind you that you’ve got this.

    10. STAINLESS STEEL POSITIVE MANTRA BRACELET - bangle bracelet with positive personalized mantras, choose from many.

    Cheers to happy travels and a happy wallet.

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